Photography by @ronalan
I finally had the chance to sit down and update! My 27th birthday has been an interesting one. I usually go through an array of emotions when it comes to my birthday. I guess as I get older, I start to think deeply on where I am at life, and I'm like shit! Thought I'd be more of this and that by the time I'm ___ years old.
Photography by @ronalan
I feel like as we get older, we have nothing to look forward to anymore. We just have to remember that we control our lives and the adventures we make with it.
I wanted to make this year different and what better way than to start my birthday with BUNGEE JUMPING. The adrenaline junkie in me has diminished throughout the years, so this was a big deal for me and my anxiety.
We started off with a 5 mile hike in Azusa leading to the "Bridge to No Where." Best believe I went on Instagram and searched the location to see other posts and even Yelped them. 5 stars & no reported deaths, which gave me a peace of mind.
Would I do it again? It wouldn't be my first choice. I'd rather sky dive because you get your monies worth with the view because it takes longer to go down.
Like I mentioned earlier, I have really bad anxiety. The littlest tasks overwhelm me, and I think very irrational sometimes. I was having the worst anxiety attacks on our hike, but once I took my leap of faith, things seemed a little more clear to me. Because he's aware of my situation, he's been my voice of reason above all things and I can't thank him enough for being my lover and best friend. He's helping me overcome my anxiety. This has got to be the best birthday I've had in a long time!
P.S. I got my braces off right before my birthday! Post to follow :)
Love you all for all the greetings and love. You guys are amazing!