Happy Monday beauties! One of my favorite things to do is to help people. I want to make a difference whether its big or small because I know it can create a ripple effect. I usually volunteer at church and several other outreaches. I don't know why I don't blog about it, maybe because I don't want other people to think I'm showing off? I like to stay low key, so I guess I was just used to not documenting it. I'm not perfect, but I do my best to always stay grounded and think of others.

One of the outreaches I participate in is Mission I'm Possible's Made with Love. I wrote about this once before, and I think it's so necessary to write about it again. We hit the streets of Skid Row, Los Angeles and were prepared for anything that came our way. From our past experiences, we always have to think about safety. We strongly believe in doing more than just handing out bags to our homeless homies. If possible, we try to engage in a nice friendly conversation with them. It makes me feel good because it shows that we actually care that they are people too. 

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

Our goal this month was to make 100 love bags, and we have succeeded with over 170 bags made. We put in granola bars, bananas, oranges, water bottles, toilet papers, tooth brushes & tooth paste. Note to self: next time buy bars of soap! 

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

MIP Los Angeles

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

Photo by: @Kitwanajohn

Want to know how to get involved?

Follow @MIPWorldwide for flyers & updates

We typically do it the 3rd or 4th weekend of the month. If you are unable to hand out Love Bags & still want to participate, you can still donate food, water, toiletries, etc. 

If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Let's further this movement and help those in need!