My faith has played a huge role in my life and has allowed me to get through certain obstacles and hardships. I've been going to church consistently for a while now, but have been going to HillSong LA in DTLA which was only a few miles away from me. If you ever turnt up at Belasco in DTLA, then you have visited HillSong LA. Wait wha? Yes, the church was a club the night before. lol 

Believe it or not, I don't spend that much time in LA rather than me just being in my apartment. I finally had the time to go out and explore the beautiful city. We went to Verve Cafe in Downtown, and they honestly had the cutest decor I've seen for a cafe. Why? Because everything was modern and minimalistic. Definitely my style. I'm pretty sure you have seen the Juice Served Here bottles on social media. Ya, I had no idea they were $12 till they rang it up, but I kept my cool acted like it didn't phase me. lol

So a quick update, I have been MIA for a couple weeks now. It's been a roller coaster with my schedule, health, family & work. 

I've been having extreme neck pains since last Friday which has stopped me from working out. Greatttt started from the bottom, and gotta start again. lol 

About two weeks ago, my first dog ever passed away, and I been having a tough time getting through it. I've had many deaths in my family this past year (7 deaths including my dog) and it has opened my perspective on LIFE. Have I disgustingly grown numb to death? For awhile, I did. I thought being numb was a healer of this reality, but it really just hurt me even more. It made me want to live life to the fullest, but also hide in my apartment because I'm scared of risking my life.

I think it's important to keep living the life you want to live. Be kind & respect all. Keep no bad blood between anyone else. Do what makes you happy!

For now, I'm trying to think positive and accept the blessings that God has given me :) 
