I live life by continuously looking forward. While you still can, travel. At least once a year, travel to a place you haven't been before. This year was all about getting outside my comfort zone. This year? I went skydiving for the first time. I went to New York for the first time. I moved out of my parents house for the first time.
I gained independence this year. It's amazing how much you grow when you move out. Things you didn't realize you needed to do back at home with your parents versus on your own. Like having absolutely no help moving your Costco groceries up 2 floors of your apartment complex (really is a pain in the butt). In the end, you feel good that you can get that jar opened by yourself or kill spiders like the bad ass that you are.
Growing up in every way possible. Leaving the past behind. My parents don't live too far from where I live, so it's a good thing I can come visit whenever I want. It's also far enough to get away from anything or anyone that can no longer help me grow. Surround yourself with positive vibes, those who motivate you & push you to be a better person.
I'm not pursuing happiness, I'm creating it.